Visit different historical sites and get to learn more about the slave trade as well as the different communities that intermarried to form the various tribes in Zanzibar as well as influenced their cultural practices.

Get to sample. Smell and understand the processes involved to produce your favorite spices. Ranging from cloves, ginger, cardamom, saffron, vanilla and nutmeg. Any food and spice enthusiast will enjoy the visit.

Go curio shopping is Gizenga Street, which is lined with shops stocking brass-studded Zanzibar chests, Tinga Tinga paintings, colorful pairs of Kanga and Kikoi, woven mats and many more.

Get to know more about the History and and culture of the locals. Learn about their lifestyle, festivals, language trade and life.

Enjoy Superb deep-sea fishing all year around with marlin, sail fish, tuna, barracuda and trevally running deep. With tuna and pelagics migrating through the Pemba Channel every year.

Find yourself in crystal clear tropical water, amongst unspoilt corals, shoals of fish darting through the reefs, sea turtles gliding through the water and schools of barracuda circling overhead.